Good morning Stockton!
We wake up at 8am and Roel and I head to the street in front of the house to pepper (definition for you non-volleyballers: warm up with a volleyball) since we have been greatly exercise deficient. I am definitely low on energy and still fighting something off but generally feel a little better today.
Once again Roel, his mom and uncle, Roger, Isys and I head out to eat. We have a good’ole hearty breakfast at IHOP before we head out to San Francisco together for the day. We all jump in the Hummer again (it’s a dreadful vehicle in general but a lot of fun to all ride together!). First we stop by Clift Hotel for Roel and I to check in. We then all ride the cable car to The Wharf. SO MUCH FUN! Roel and I chose to hang off the side while the others went inside to more safe and comfortable conditions. A definite highlight of this whole trip in general.
We had some clam chowder in a bread bowl and enjoyed views of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Some of Roel’s extended family from his dad’s side met up with us. We all had fun just chatting and enjoying the wharf/boardwalk. We all went into a mirrir maze/fun house and arcade. Roel, his cousin Armand and I had a good competition going with the basketball toss at the arcade. And yes, I was the victor mwa-ha-ha! I did need a few tries to get the high score though. :P
Oh! Roel’s immediate family and I took a limo back to our hotel! haha Good times. We said our goodbyes as they were going back to Stockton. I look forward to visiting them again and getting to know them better.
Right now all I want to do is SLEEP.
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